姓名 |
劉曉燕 |
職級 |
兼任助理教授 |
電話 |
0958-100174 |
E-mail:yenyen320@cycu.org.tw |
1. Liu, Shiao-Yen (2012), Applications of non-linear smooth regime-switching models. Ph.D. Dissertation, College of Business, Chung Yuan Christian University.
2.劉曉燕 (2008),隱含波動與股票風險值,中原大學國際貿易學系碩士論文。
1.劉曉燕 ; 吳博欽 ; 李庭昀 ; 黃財源 , “金融科技發展對出口、能源消費與經濟成長之間因果關係” , 2023 , 臺灣銀行季刊 , vol.74 , p.72-94. (Scopus期刊)
2.劉曉燕 ; 吳博欽 , “銀行對ESG表現優異企業採取優惠利率政策的作法” , 2022 , 今日合庫 , vol.48 , p.6-29. (月旦知識庫期刊)
3.劉曉燕 ; 吳博欽 , “元宇宙發展對銀行業的衝擊及其因應之道” , 2022 , 今日合庫 , vol.48 , p.8-28. (月旦知識庫期刊)
4.劉曉燕 ; 吳博欽 ; 何永軒 ; 黃財源 , “企業社會責任獲獎公司能獲得股市的青睞嗎? 報酬、風險及其穩定性之證據” , 2022 , 臺灣銀行季刊 , vol.73 , p.74-94. (本論文獲得2019 CSR學術論文獎期刊)
5.Po-Chin Wu; Shiao-Yen Liu; Ching-Wen Huang , “The Impact of FinTech Index on P2P Lending Rate” , 2021 , Review of Integrative Business & Economics Research , vol.11 , p.79-94. (Scopus期刊)(Econlit期刊)
6.Po-Chin Wu, Shiao-Yen Liu and Ming-Fang Yang , “Estimation of P2P Lending Rates and Lending Strategies” , 2021 , Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research , vol.11 , p.61-78. (Scopus期刊)(Econlit期刊)
7.劉曉燕 ; 吳博欽 ; 葉宗霖 ; 黃財源 , “杜邦方程式三因子對半導體公司股價報酬的影響─動態縱橫資料模型之應用” , 2021 , 臺灣銀行季刊 , vol.72 , p.80-96. (Scopus期刊)
8.Po-Chin Wu , Hui-Yu Liu , Shiao-Yen Liu & Juei-Ming Hsiao , “Can financial technology development change the causality between tourism and economic growth?” , 2020 , Current Issues in Tourism , vol.24 , p.1613-1630. (SSCI期刊)
9.Po-Chin Wu; Shiao-Yen Liu; Juei-Ming Hsiao , “Estimation of Taiwan’s inbound tourism: Considerations of nonlinearity, spatial dependence and monetary policy” , 2019 , Current Issues in Tourism , p.0-0. (SSCI期刊)
10.Shiao-Yen Liu; Po-Chin Wu; Ching-Wen Huang , “The threshold effect of monetary policy on earnings persistence” , 2019 , Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting , vol.48 , p.68-86. (SSCI期刊)
11.Shiao-Yen Liu; Po-Chin Wu; Tsai-Yuan Huang , “Nonlinear causality between education and health: the role of human development index” , 2018 , Applied Research in Quality of Life , vol.13 , p.761-777. (SSCI期刊)
12.Po-Chin Wua, Shiao-Yen Liu , Rui-Xiang Zhai , “Nonlinear impacts of operating risk and demand management policy on banks’ performance: The role of leading indicator” , 2018 , Economic Analysis and Policy , vol.59 , p.40-53. (Econlit期刊)
13.Po-Chin Wu; Shiao-Yen Liu; Tsai-Yuan Huang , “Non-linear growth-determinants nexus: The role of sovereign debt” , 2017 , Hacienda Publica Espanola-Review of Public Economics , vol.222 , p.43-63. (SSCI期刊)
14.Po-Chin Wu; Shiao-Yen Liu , “Monetary Policy and the Time-Varying Spatial Effects of Bilateral Trade: Evidence from China-ASEAN-5 Countries” , 2017 , Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy , vol.15 , p.125-137. (SSCI期刊)
15.Tsai-Yuan, Huang; Po-Chin, Wu; Shiao-Yen Liu , “Defense–Growth Causality: Considerations of Regime-Switching and Time- and Country-Varying Effects” , 2017 , Defence & Peace Economics , vol.28 , p.568-584. (SSCI期刊)
16.Po-Chin Wu; Shiao-Yen Liu; Kou-Bau Wang , “Does Unemployment Matter for Lottery Sales and their” , 2017 , Social Indicators Research , vol.130 , p.581-592. (SSCI期刊)
17.Po-Chin Wu; Shiao-Yen Liu; Ming-Fang Yang , “Nonlinear Exchange Rate Pass-Through: The Role of National Debt” , 2017 , Global Economic Review , vol.46 , p.1-17. (SSCI期刊)
18.Po-Chin Wu; Shiao-Yen Liu; Juei-Ming Hsiao; Tsai-Yuan Huang , “Nonlinear and time-varying growth-tourism causality” , 2016 , Annals of Tourism Research , vol.59 , p.45-59. (SSCI期刊)
19.Po-Chin Wu; Shiao-Yen Liu; Che-Ying Chen , “Re-examining risk premiums in the Fama-French model: the role of investor sentiment” , 2016 , North American Journal of Economics and Finance , vol.36 , p.154-171. (SSCI期刊)
20.Po-Chin Wu; Shiao-Yen Liu; Sheng-Chieh Pan , “The impact of monetary policy on oil price persistence: an application of the smooth regime-switching model” , 2015 , Journal of International Trade & Economic Development , vol.24 , p.24-42. (SSCI期刊)
21.Po-Chin Wu; Shiao-Yen Liu; Sheng-Chieh Pan , “Nonlinear relationship between health care expenditure and its determinants: a panel smooth transition regression model” , 2014 , Empirica , vol.41 , p.713-729. (SSCI期刊)
22. Po-Chin Wu; Shiao-Yen Liu; Sheng-Chieh Pan , “Does misery index matter for the persistence of health spending? Evidence from OECD countries” , 2014 , Social Indicators Research , vol.118 , p.893-910. (SSCI期刊)
23.Sheng-Chieh Pan; Shiao-Yen Liu; Po-Chin Wu , “Re-testing the tourism-led growth hypothesis using panel smooth transition regression models” , 2014 , Tourism Economics (impact factor=0.597, Ranking A in Australian Business Deans Council-Journal Ratings Tourism and Hospitality, 15/94) , vol.20 , p.39-50. (SSCI期刊)
24.Po-Chin Wu; Shiao-Yen Liu; Sheng-Chieh Pan , “Nonlinear bilateral trade balance-fundamentals nexus: a panel smooth transition regression approach” , 2013 , International Review of Economics and Finance (國科會經濟學, 財務領域B+級期刊) ( impact factor = 0.944 ) , vol.27 , p.318-329. (SSCI期刊)
25.Shiao-Yen Liu; Sheng-Chieh Pan; Po-Chin Wu , “Measurement of the persistence in trade balance based on panel smooth transition regression model” , 2013 , The Empirical Economics Letters , vol.12 , p.7-16. (Econlit期刊期刊)
26.Po-Chin Wu; Shiao-Yen Liu , “Does Smooth Regime-Switching Model Provide Better Detection Effectiveness in Foreign Exchange Exposure?” , 2012 , The Empirical Economics Letters , vol.11 , p.829-838. (Econlit期刊期刊)
27.Sheng-Chieh Pan; Shiao-Yen Liu; Chia-Jui Peng; Po-Chin Wu , “Local governments’ efficiency evaluation: consideration of undesirable outputs and super-efficiency” , 2011 , African Journal of Business Management , vol.5 , p.4746-4754. (SSCI期刊)
28.Sheng-Chieh Pan; Shiao-Yen Liu; Chia-Jui Peng; Po-Chin Wu , “Another Method to Deal with Undesirable Outputs in Data Envelopment Analysis” , 2010 , The Empirical Economics Letters , vol.9 , p.949-956. (Econlit期刊期刊)
- 吳博欽;劉曉燕;楊明芳 , “ESG金融商品能提供穩定的獲利嗎?” , 2022 , 淨零碳排與永續金融研討會 , 2022 /11 /25 ~ 2022 /11 /25 , 中華民國 台灣 .
- Shiao-Yen Liu, Chiung-Wen Fan, Sheng-Chieh Pan, and Po-Chin Wu , “The Performance Evaluation of OECD Countries: A Consideration of Undesirable Outputs” , 2011 , Western Economic Association International 9th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference , 2011 /7 /25 ~ 2011 /7 /29 , United States .
- Chia-Jui Peng; Yen-Yuan Lai; Shiao-Yen Liu; Po-Chin Wu; Chien-Wen Yang , “Nonlinear Adjustment and Arbitrage Region of Stock Price---An Extensive Application of the” , 2011 , Western Economic Association International 9th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference , 2011 /7 /25 ~ 2011 /7 /29 , United States .
- Shiao-Yen Liu; Sheng-Chieh Pan; Po-Chin Wu , “The impact of exchange rate exposure on stock price: A consideration of regime switching” , 2010 , 85 Annual Conference, Western Economic Association International , 2010 /6 /27 ~ 2010 /6 /30 , Australia .
- “指導楊明芳同學獲得第一商業銀行金融創新與永續金融研究報告獎博士組佳作” , 2023 .
- “指導陳奕勳同學獲得2022合作金庫商業銀行論文研究獎” , 2022 .
- “指導楊子萱同學獲得2021合作金庫商業銀行論文研究獎 ” , 2021 .
- “指導龔芷瑩同學獲得2021合作金庫商業銀行論文研究獎” , 2021 .
- “指導張佩芬同學獲得2020 TSC 第十三屆崇越論文大賞優等碩士論文獎” , 2020 .
- “指導羅吉宏同學獲得2019臺灣銀行經濟金融論文獎” , 2020 .
- “指導俞姿帆同學獲得2019合作金庫商業銀行論文研究獎” , 2019 .
- “指導黃麒豪同學獲得2019 TSC 第十二屆崇越論文大賞優等碩士論文獎” , 2019 .
- “指導徐園婷同學獲得2019臺灣銀行經濟金融論文獎” , 2019 .
- “指導徐園婷同學獲得2018 TSC 第十一屆崇越論文大賞優選碩士論文獎” , 2018 .
- “指導翟瑞祥同學獲得2017 TSC 第十屆崇越論文大賞優等碩士論文獎” , 2017 .
- “指導錢忻怡同學獲得 2017 富邦人壽管理碩士論文 佳作獎” , 2017
- 吳博欽; 劉曉燕 , “中原大學外部風險評估與因應對策” , 2016 .
- 吳博欽; 劉曉燕 , “中原大學風險管理評估報告” , 2015